Boudica is the name of a Celtic warrior queen who led a British uprising against the conquering Roman Empire in AD 60. It’s also the name given to a Beechcraft King Air C90 twin-engine private airplane, whose owner commissioned an AeroPod in its likeness.
Thanks to a number of photos sent by the client and a good deal of research, many of the details that define this beautiful aircraft are incorporated into the AeroPod, like the various types of rivets and screws used on the surface panels, the colors and graphics, and the distinctive aluminum windscreen. The painted graphics on the outside correspond to the airplane’s colors and registration number, giving it an undeniable personal connection, while the hand-spun chrome metal feet match the King Air’s propeller cones perfectly.

Inside, an instrument panel accurately depicts what you would see on a 1980’s era C90, with scratch-built “Beechcraft” gauges and a variety of switches and knobs specific to this aircraft. A light touch at the top releases a flap door which gently lowers on an air piston into a serving tray, while simultaneously activating the “cabin light” to illuminate the liquor collection within. It’s designed to hold around eight bottles and some glasses, perfect for those special occasions with good friends. Below the ochre-colored panel is a fitted drawer that contains a Spanish cedar humidor for cigars and accessories, including a hygrometer and a rack for Bovida humidification packs.

Another notable feature of this pod is the “kanji”, or Japanese character, which has been routed into the aluminum surface of the fold down tray and filled with royal blue epoxy. It means “Ko”, or “attack”, and was prominently displayed on the nose of the client’s previous military aircraft in the 90’s and therefore has special meaning. It can never wear off and will no doubt stimulate conversation for many years to come.